
other agency similar to Diabetics or drug addicts. This is probably an obnoxious thing to suggest but it should be considered.

Many policemen today, would arrest the innocent TV on general principles, principally because "it just doesn't seem right". The legal pro's and con's would be taken into account later. A TV in such a situation, fearful of the imminent publicity and possible loss of employment will most likely plead guilty to some trumped up charge, pay a fine and shut up. One could confess to being an active communist and not cause so much of a stir as to announce one's affinity for things feminine.


I believe the safest place for a TV who wishes to venture out in public, is in his car, or better still, driven by a friend. If for some reason you are stopped by a policemen, and you happen to be the driver, show your own licence, not your sister's or girl friend's. The officer may think you are an oddball being dressed as a woman but there isn't much he can do about it. On the other hand, should he realize you are really a man and are presenting someone else's license, you can bet your best girdle you will be on the inside looking out before many minutes have passed. I, myself, once stopped a car, and the driver, dressed as a license with a girl's name on it. almost immediately was a man, (it takes one to know one). After some delicate questioning a very embarrassed and blushing TV showed me his own license. I gave him a little advice, outlined his rights to him and left the matter there.

woman showed me a The woman I realized

As a policeman and a transvestite I have tried to present both sides of the picture. Police work is a hard, thankless task which cannot possibly be appreciated by anyone who has not done this type of work. A policeman has to evaluate and make a decision in split seconds whereas eminent lawyers will debate the same issue for days and weeks.

I would say to masquerading TV's if you are stopped and questioned by a policeman, be frank and honest, Act naturally. Do not be smart. You don't have to crawl but be polite. I can promise you that in nine cases out